Fast, Brutal, this is called Kronos. From France, Mike, a fucking beast at drums, tells us more about his incredible brutal death band.

1.- Hi Mike!!!! Tell us a long story, tell us how a group of guys between 13 and 17, who played heavy/thrash in early 1994 become a brutal combo of pain and destruction!!! How were the changes??? Tell us the story about kronos.
Hi my brother ! ! Kronos was founded in 1994 by our guitar player Grams and myself. We were very young at the time (he was 14 and I was 13!!) and we had only started to play music by covering songs by AC/DC, METALLICA, and we also badly covered songs by Jimmy HENDRIX or Eric CLAPTON. Then after several changes in the line-up, we more and more evolved towards a more brutal, fast and technical style. We recorded our first demo and we released it as a tape entitled Outrance in 1997 and we sold over 300 copies of it in France but also in Spain, Canada, Sweden and Japan… Thanks to this unexpected success, we decided to go on this way. Finally, when Tom joined in as a bass player in 2000, we really began to play brutal death metal.
Then we recorded our first CD album as an auto-production in 2001. Titan's Awakening was recorded at Second Side Studio in France (DEPRAVED, BLACKHEADS). Shortly after its release, the French label from Toulouse Warpath Records (ex Shockwave) offered us to release it again under their name. Naturally, we quickly accepted so as to benefit from a world-wide good distribution and promotion since it was an old dream of ours to have a deal with a label so we couldn't refuse this offer !! The second version of the album was released in September 2001. Looking backward, I can tell that this re-edition really launched us since it worked quite well and it also enabled us to play in France but also abroad (in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands) and it gave us the chance to make ourselves known. In June 2003, we have had a new change in the line-up as Richard came to replace Tems as a guitar player and two months after that, we entered CCR studio in Belgium (ABORTED, NO RETURN…) to record our second album Colossal Titan Strife which was released on December 20th by Xtreem Music (ex Repulse Records in Spain) with whom we signed a two album deal since Warpath Records stopped their activities as a label.
To conclude on the subject, our name is related to the concept we chose and above all to the last of the Greek Titans called Cronos (also spelt Chronos or Kronos).

2.- Why the classic mythology? Tell us about how you chose this thematically way to the band?
We are very interested in Greek mythology but also in many others such as Egyptian or Scandinavian among others. The name of our band, as you accurately pointed out, directly refers to ancient Greece and our texts are generally based on ancient myths from Mediterranean civilizations (Rome, Greece and Egypt) but also others (Barbarian and Viking). As you can see, we mostly deal with that kind of themes and it is more or less our "trademark" and it enables us to be different from the others and to develop our own identity. I can also say that we will always deal with that kind of fantastic stories since our band is turned towards that and if one day we change that, it will be time for us to find a new name for the band! To conclude, this choice can be explained by the fact that we wanted to create something new in the style to bring a bit of freshness. Moreover, we are quite fed up with commonplace subjects like Satanism, gore and sex. We prefer to concentrate on our concept which might be considered as surprising but which really illustrates our style and enables us to feel good in the band, which is the most essential thing!

3.- Is classic mythology also the main inspiration on your lyrics? What are your lyrics about? What is the lyric you feel more proud from colossal Titan Strife?
Here is what our texts deal with in a few words:
*COLOSSAL TITAN STRIFE : fratricidal war between the Olympian gods led by Zeus and the titans led by Cronos for the domination on earth.
*SUBMISSION : enslavement of Barbarian people by their leaders which was also used as a persuasion means.
*OPPLOMAK : bloody struggle between gladiators in Roman civilization and more particularly in the Coliseum in Rome.
*WITH EAQUE SWORD : the legend of the headless horseman who chop off the head of those he meets! !
*AETERNUM PHARAOS CURSE : the curse inflicted by pharaohs on traitors or disobeying subjects in ancient Egypt.
*HATEREALM : strengthening of hatred and violence between Barbarian people.
*MONUMENTAL CARNAGE : devastating and murderous raids on pagan people from western Christian civilizations by the Vikings ! !
*PHAETON : the myth of a young Greek man called Phaeton who was persuaded to be the son of the Sun and who will know a terrible end.
*KRONOS : a kind of biography of the last titan and father of Zeus in ancient Greece.
*INFERNAL WORMS FIELDS: the description of the devastated battlefield after the war between gods and titans and also what will happen to the corpses after all these acts of violence.
As I said before, we only deal with that kind of theme in Kronos. To conclude, I'd say that I am very proud of the tracks entitled KRONOS because I do think it is very good as far as the lyrics but also the melody is concerned !! I love that tune and it is always a great pleasure for me to play it.

4.- You really hit the drums guy!!!! Give us some tips about playing drums for the people that are just not that good!!!
Thank you very much for all these nice remarks, I am really touched ! What pieces of advice I am entitled to give to anyone since I don't think I am a boss at all?!!! I would say that people have to work as much as possible, be perseverant and very serious in everything you do. It is also necessary to listen to the other drummers (how they play but also the pieces of advice they can give) so as to grow up and improve oneself. Finally, it is also better to practice sport so as to be in good physical condition as it is essential in our musical style. Here are the humble pieces of advice I could give to your readers, at least, that is what I try to do…

5.- I have read that you are a total fan of Morbid Angel!!!, Talk us about your musical influences, can you tell us the CDs and the songs that fucked your existance up to now? the music that make you that fucking beast at drums?
I am indeed completely crazy about MORBID ANGEL!!!!! This band is my main source of motivation to keep on playing death metal. Pete Sandoval is my god, my everlasting idol and I think that if one day I could meet him, it would be the most wonderful moment of my life!!! I do feel the same about Trey, he really is the best guitar player in that musical style and I think he is a genius, with a personal "madness" and an exceptional sense of creation… As far as I am concerned, MORBID ANGEL is in death metal what Zidane is in football!!!!! I can tell you that the fantastic Domination & Covenant that really gave me the feeling that this was the kind of music I wanted to play. I remember that at that time, I really wondered how a human being could be so fast with his feet!! : I think that since that day, I have tried to go as fast as Pedro on the double bass drum but I still have a hell of a lot of work! :
But of course, there are other albums that gave me a slap in the face when they were released… for example None so vile by CRYPTOPSY, Joe Black and Eternal by MALEVOLENT CREATION, Despise the Sun by SUFFOCATION, The Bleeding by CANNIBAL CORPSE, Litany by VADER and the one before the latest album by DECAPITATED.
All these records influenced me but I really don't think that I belong to the same category as these drummers even if I hope that one day, I will be able to be one of them…I am doing my best!

6.- How is a Kronos song composed?
In general, the bass and guitar players compose the riffs that we arrange all together when we rehearse. Each one of us gives his opinions and his ideas, Kronos is a real democracy. We work on the melody with a metronome to place correctly the structures and the tempos, then we work on the harmony, solos and finally the vocals and backing vocals.
There! It is not really original except for the fact that we all work together so as to create songs that are as diverse and original as possible.

7.- What is your favourite song in your last CD?, Why? What is the song the fans seem to like more in your live shows?
As far as I am concerned, I really like "Colossal Titan Strife" because I think it is very complete. I think it holds every good element necessary to a good brutal death metal song in the Kronos fashion : furious riffs, blast beats, fast double bass drums, breaks, a melodic touch brought by the solos, slowing down then speeding up….Otherwise, I also like "Monumental Carnage" because even if it isn't the fastest songs in the album is for me one of the most powerful and catchy.
About songs that people like us to play, it is a very good but difficult question! It seems to me that people like songs as "Opplomak" and "Monumental Carnage". But it is very difficult to make general statements as everybody has their own taste…

8.- What is your experience playing live? What Groups You liked to play with and what group you wish to play with? Are there any plans to play in Spain soon? It should be great!!!
We gave a lot of concerts since we have begun but today, we look for as many dates as possible everywhere to promote our new album around the world, but as you know, we are not professional and it is very difficult to match work and music! That is why we only play in the week end and we can't play far away from home. however, we will try to organize a European Tour one of these day because it is our goal! It would be fantastic and I hope we will be able to do so very soon !! Of course, we would like to play live with great famous bands such as MORBID ANGEL, DEICIDE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, VADER, MALEVOLENT CREATION, MONSTROSITY, DYING FETUS, CRYPTOPSY…. One day, it may happen, who knows?! About playing in Spain, we will certainly happen and we would be very proud to play in your country!!! We will work with Dave on this project as soon as possible!!

9.- European Metal or USA Metal?
Simply METAL because I don't think it is a matter of nationality!! I listen to any group as long as I feel good vibrations be it from the USA, Sweden, France, Japan, South Africa or China!!!

10.- How was the signing with a spanish label? are you satisfied?
Warpath records stopped their activities as a label a short while before we entered the studio so we really had to find a solution for the production of Colossal Titan Strife. So we sent copies of few songs recorded quickly to record companies from all other the world. Then we received several positive answers and we have finally chosen Xtreem music. Our choice was influenced by several factors. First, the contract clauses gave us the means to promote and distribute the album all around the world. Moreover, it is a two contract album so it leaves us time to improve quietly and it brings us the necessary stability to create in a good conditions. We must also add that the great qualities of Dave Rotten also weighed in the scale. Indeed, we must not forget that he launched bands like DERANGED, CENTINEX, DEEDS OF FLESH, AVULSED when he led Repulse Records. So we can benefit from his influence and his knowledge of the underground to promote our music in the world! These are the main reasons of our choice and we are very pleased with it and we don't regret it at all. May it continue for a long time.

11.- French Metal scene is really high now. What is your opinion about the sweet moment of extreme metal in france? Which bands would you reccommend us?
France can now count on many talented bands, I think of NO RETURN, SCARVE, LOUDBLAST, MISANTHROPE, DUNGORTHEB, RECUEIL MORBIDE, BLOCKHEADS, MORTUARY, INHUMATE, CARCARIASS, ZUBROWSKA among others. However, we are not fully supported in our country or even somewhere else as a great deal of labels or French concert organizers sometimes prefer to support American, German or Scandinavian bands instead of French ones !! It is deeply regrettable since we undermined our own underground stage as it is composed of many excellent bands. Finally, I really hope that this mentality will change one day and that the magazines or labels all around the world but above all in France will trust the French school of extreme metal a bit more !!!

12.- How was the recording of your last CD??? are you totally proud of it? or do you want to change some things?
We recorded this album in CCR studio in Zulte, Belgium with Kris Belaen who has already produced bands like ABORTED or NO RETURN to cite only a few of them. We worked there for 20 days, which is for us the minimum required when you hope to do something serious. However, we will try to spend 30 days there if it is possible when we record the third album so as to be able to work more on details and atmosphere.
We recorded each instrument separately starting with the drums and we finished with the lyrics using the metronome each time. Then, we went through all the passages that we were not sure about so as to improve them. Finally, we had all the arrangements and effects when we mixed it. To finish with this question, I can say that we are very satisfied now and very proud of the sound of our album !!

13.- What are your future plans for kronos, are you going to play this summer? festivals? When the next CD?, i´m anxious!!!
We will indeed play in a huge festival this summer (in August) in France. It is the equivalent of "Fuck the Commerce" in Germany or "Obscene Extreme Fest" in Slovakia and it is called the "Brain Dead open air". It is the first time such a big event takes place in France and we are extremely proud of playing there. If you want to know more about it, there is a website where you can find all the pieces of information you need about it!! All I can tell you is that there will be fantastic bands! We also start to concentrate on our future third album. we hope we will be able to record it in Summer 2005 to release it in December 2005 if possible. We will see how things go but don't worry, you will still hear about us for a while!!! :

14.- Thanks for your time, mike, i know, that beeing a student, like me, leaves not much time free. Good luck with everything and now tell spanish fans whatever you want!!!!
Thank you very much for this interesting interview and for your support my friend!! Thanks also to all those who daily support us in Spain and in the rest of the world. I also invite everyone who don't know us to visit our website to know everything on Kronos and to download MP3 extracts of our albums.
Finally, for everyone who is interested, our new album is distributed in Spain by the following labels:
Xtreem music (of course ! !) /
Donosti rock /
Goi Music /
Voliac /
Abstract Emotions

STAY METAL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

MAYO 2004
Interview by Fran

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